Posts in February 2011


When live stats meets video streaming

PrestoSports has partnered with Ursinus, Meredith College, Pomona College and Simpson College to incorporate video streaming in PrimeTime, our live stats viewer.

Introducing enhanced stats for spring sports

Our enhanced statistics platform is great because it gives fans a fresh look and interaction when visiting your site. Stat pages are some of the most frequently viewed on an athletics website, so providing modernized pages can keep visitors much longer.

Five keys to the iPhone vs. Droid fight

These five key factors will determine whether the iPhone or Droid will be the major smartphone in the next two years.

Using Networked Links to Your Advantage

One of the major changes from release 4.1.9 is that the system will automatically add box score links to network schedules. With that, it is more important than ever that sites customize their autopublishing rules.