Building composite the responsive way

July 2, 2014   by Greg Blake

As we continue to move through launching all sites responsively during our busiest time of the year, it's important that we continue to keep our pages up-to-date with a sleek look for your fans. 

I'm happy to announce that we have upgraded the "calendar" composite page with a fully responsive layout which now gives your fans flexibility via two unique options:

On desktop, there is an option to display either calendar view or grid view. Once the site is tablet view or smaller, the composite page is accessible through all of our responsive sites by clicking on the calendar icon. 

Since we are always thinking mobile-first when building sites and new features, we have decided to make the grid view the only layout for mobile devices. This will let fans view your events in a quick and easy way where each event includes related links, site notes, team logos of all opponents and quick links to those sport specific schedule pages. Also, a date picker lets fans access upcoming or past event at any point in the season.

With mobile traffic for all athletic sites continuing to rise above 50% of all traffic, we are making sure that we continue to give your fans a truly responsive experience when viewing your site. Stay tuned for our next enhancements that we are making to take advantage on your responsive sites.