Stat leaders displayed in innovative ways

March 6, 2014   by Alana Dyson

Statistics are a key component to our websites, and we've been continuously developing new ways to highlight athlete statistics in multiple areas outside of the standard stat pages.

Here are some of our favorite ways to include them on sites:


Stat containers look awesome

As we have pushed past HTML stat pages, not only have we created these new stat pages but now clients have the ability to show stats directly in player bios with the release of our enhanced bios.   You also have the option to show game stats directly in your story rotator headlines . Now we have turned our focus towards finding new ways to incorporate your stats directly on your home and sport pages. Our stat containers allow our clients to show a condensed views of their athlete stats in a visually aesthetic and user friendly way.

Different ways to lay them out

The layout of our stat container provide the user with a quick and easy way to view the top statistical leaders for a specific sport without having to scroll through lines of stat text. The CIS makes use of this feature by breaking down the stats into individual containers by statistical category showing three areas of data, athlete name, athlete name, athlete school, and the stat itself. Links to a list of complete leaders can also be printed below each stat category as seen on the NECC site. Conference sites can use this area as an easy way to highlight their top performers. Stat containers are not only for conference sites however, individual schools like Concordia use them to highlight overall team stats. 

My favorite

My favorite stat container look is having the statistical categories broken down into individual containers. This allows us to break up the stats, depending on the sport, and highlight the most important data, athlete name, school, and the stat itself which we can highlight by adding styling around it to make the stat number stand out. Not only do these stat areas pop off the page on your desktop screen but they are responsive on tablet and mobile devices. Keep these ideas in mind as you think about the direction you want to take your website redesign.