A boxed scoreboard will shine on your site

February 20, 2014   by Greg Blake

Around this time last year, we released a post on upgrading our conference scoreboard to integrate enhanced stats. Since then, scoreboard innovation has taken off. Not only do our scoreboards provide scores and stats, but they now display team logos from our logo database as well as flexibility to show all different kinds of event details.

Scores are what fans want!

Scoreboards are one of the most common features on almost all website designs we work on, so we are always looking for ways to make creative new scoreboard designs that are user-friendly and fit your needs. We encourage everyone to push the envelope when it comes to scoreboard layout and move away from the common list view seen on many of today's athletic websites.

Problems with list view

The list view style of scoreboard is problematic because it has limited space, so a lot of data (location, tournament name, links etc.) has to be cut out our abbreviated. The event data can also appear cluttered and oftentimes scroll bars are needed to allow fans to scroll through all the events. Lastly, there is often no room for graphic or creative styling techniques.

Boxed scoreboard opens up the possibilities

My favorite scoreboard that solves a lot of these issues is the event box view. I think it looks very clean and organizes all of the event's info into one contained area. This scoreboard really opens up the space for each event and allows you to be creative with how you want to show your event information. Navigation is easy with arrows and we can add sport icons within these boxes so fans can easily identify what sport this is. 

It's a creative new look for your scoreboard and flexible enough to shine on your site. Below are three examples currently in use.

We hope you keep it in mind as you are thinking about your redesign or new site launch!

Dalhousie launched a sleek boxed scoreboard with arrows letting you scroll up/down through events

St. Bonaventure features a stylish boxed scoreboard where the sport & team name are styled to stand out

Youngstown State went the route of showing the official NCAA logos within their boxed scoreboard