Helping your coach with stats versioning

February 5, 2013   by Serge Knystautas

Ever have a coach ask for more details than just the end-of-period or final stats from a game?  

This morning, Brad Stevens asked for stats from games, but not final box scores. He was looking for a box score of games from a specific time early in every game," said Josh Rattray, Assistant Sports Information Director at Butler University. Stat Crew doesn’t allow for this report. I figured out that stats versioning would allow for this."

With our stats versioning feature, we track every change to an event. No matter how you're sending stats to our Network — via StatJack, uploading an XML, uploading a packed file or using our stats entry app — every time you send, we save a copy of the stats at that point. Thanks to that, Josh was able to find what his coach was asking for.

"I went into Game day to each of our home games and clicked "view all" in the stats change log. Then I went to the point in the game he was looking for and clicked "view." I was able to print a box score for each game at that point and give the coach what he was looking for (at least for our home games)."

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