Posts in May 2012


Meet us in many places this June

June means convention month. We’ll be going to the USCAA Convention, ECAC-SIDA, CoSIDA and NACDA. So if you’re heading to any of those events, we hope to see you there.

Content Transfer Improvements Part 3: Importing Images

The final blog of our three-part series on content importing introduces a new image extraction tool that has been developed to make documents more manageable, compact and easier to read and review.

Front Row first look

Our new mobile apps will be coming soon to an iPhone and Android near you.

Learning change from the big boys

We talk about how we change and how we're trying to make everyone comfortable with the pace of changes.

Content Transfer Improvements Part 2: Importing Bios

This is the second in a three-part series of posts that you can share with your webmaster or campus IT personnel if you are switching to us from another provider.

We're trying to break our stats app now so it won't break on you later

The basic goal is to try and do everything in our power to break the app now, so that in the fall, we know it won't break.