Admins can now edit camp registrations!

May 11, 2016   by Katie Butz

Our goal with the Camps tab is to make everything easier for all who are involved in the camp registration process. As we approach the start of summer camps, we've realized parents make a lot of mistakes when registering (you'd be surprised how many times parents enter their own DOB instead of the camper's).

In turn, this headache is passed along to you, the coaches and SIDs, to correct. To make fixing these registrations easier, we've added the ability to edit camp registrations!

When you view the full camp registration in the back end of your site, you'll now see an "Edit registration" link. Click this to make any change you need to the registration.

These edits will also work for questions that have additional fees. For example, if the registration originally stated they did not need the $50 extended care but now do, you can make this change and our system will automatically increase the total amount owed for that camper. We'll also automatically update the invoice, taking all the hassle out of this registration change.

This feature was a direct result of feedback from our users. If anything else is causing you problems, let us know! Our feature development is strongly impacted by what our users want.

Not enrolled in our camps registration platform yet? Submit this enrollment form or contact for more information. Setup is quick and easy, so it's not too late to move your summer camp registration online!

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