PrimeTime preview page gets an upgrade

September 9, 2015   by Mike Fratto

We are happy to debut an enhanced preview page for PrimeTime. Last year we completely rebuilt PrimeTime, including a preview page that counts down to the start of your event.

This year we are adding to that preview page with beautiful charts and graphics that provide your fans something to chew on as they anticipate the start of the event. We've finished this for our first sport, football, and it's live as of this morning.

Increasing fan engagement

We want PrimeTime to engage your fans and provide them the best experience possible surrounding a particular event. But why does that have to be just within the window of when the game is being played?

The new charts show a few basic team and player stats to compare the two teams with. Now in the leadup to any game, your fans can dive into some quick head-to-head analysis right on your website.

Rules for when it will display

Before the enhanced preview page can show on your events marked for PrimeTime, we need to have certain data from both teams in order to power the charts. So while it is set to automatically show for every event marked for PrimeTime, first it will check that it has what it needs: 

If those rules are passed, the enhanced preview page will show. If not, we will show the countdown clock and game information without the charts.

Get going today!

There's no extra setup needed! If you mark an event for PrimeTime, the enhanced preview page will be active automatically. This release makes football live, and other sports will follow, with basketball likely the next to be ready. 

If for some reason you don't like the look of it (even though we know you will) or if your coach doesn't want extra stats showing, we've included a setting in your Options file to hide the charts.

Let us know what you think!