Support transitioning to

July 15, 2014   by Katie Butz

This summer our support team has been working to launch a big change to how we communicate with you. Starting next week, we will transition to, an “all-in-one customer support app designed to meet the challenges faced by fast-growing companies.”

We’re excited for the new features this app brings and think the change will benefit both you and our support team. We've highlighted some changes below, but you can continue to contact us by emailing

Like any big change, there may be a learning curve for our team. We’ve spent many hours learning the new program and training with it, but transitioning to live, large amounts of support tickets may produce a few hiccups for our team. We don’t anticipate you noticing a difference, but if you do, just let us know! Please shoot us another email if you don’t receive a response in our normal 30-minute response time.

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Features we'll like: