Meet up with PrestoSports at the NCAA Convention

January 8, 2014   by Jim Gehringer

With snow and freezing temperatures in the forecast, we're excited to announce several of us will be heading to San Diego next week for the NCAA Convention! 

Individual Meetings

Since there's no trade show at this year's convention, we have more slots open for schools and conferences to schedule individual meetings. Ted Bardach, Robb Modica, Travis Peters and I will be available January 15-16 to meet one-on-one.

If you would like to schedule a meeting, please email Ted.

Happy Hour

Of course it wouldn't be an NCAA convention without a PrestoSports happy hour. This year we will be hosting our reception on Wednesday AND Thursday night at Fox Sports Grill from 6-9 p.m., which is located next to the Hilton Bayfront Hotel.

Be sure to stop by for drinks and appetizers before heading out to dinner!

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