We're turning whiteboard dreams into a reality

November 21, 2013   by Neil Sleight

About two months ago we launched develop.prestosports.coman online community where you can collaborate with each other and our staff to help develop new features and enhance existing ones. The early returns on this project are great  we already have 75 excellent ideas added and are nearing completion on several of these new features.

We wanted to take time to give you an update on some of the new features we are working on that came directly from your feedback.

Currently at bat

Those 75 new ideas are excellent, but they are not going to do any good if we don't get them into the development cycle. As the new feature starts to take shape, we comment on the idea in develop.prestosports.com to keep you informed. All of these features are things that would get released to everyone through one of our weekly software releases. Keep checking those release notes each week to see what we have added. Some of the latest projects in our development cycle are:

What's on deck

When an idea comes into develop.prestosports.com, we start evaluating what would be required to complete the feature. We also look at the idea's vote count so we can gauge its interest among the larger group and make development plans accordingly. A few of the new ideas we are evaluating now are:

In the hole

Some of the ideas we get are straight forward and relatively easy to develop. Others require some critical thought to work through all the challenges. We love working on these types of ideas, but they take time. We even started an interface feedback group so you can be a beta tester and help guide our decisions.

Some of those large-scale changes we are looking at right now are:

This is just the start for develop.prestosports.com. We are excited about the success so far and are looking forward to building the next great idea you add!