Join us in our biggest redesign yet

October 3, 2013   by Serge Knystautas

We really love working with you on designing your new sites.  It's a thrilling process and we love the back and forth as we figure out how to create the best looking sites.

Now we're (finally!) applying our design skills to our admin system. Since you spend anywhere from a few minutes to many hours each day using this software, we'd love to work with you just like we do on site designs.

We're looking to do more than just put a fresh, modern coat of paint on our admin system.  We know there are areas that are confusing (especially for new users) because they require too many clicks or are poorly layed out. We've already started rewriting some parts of the system and are excited about the ideas coming in to If there's something in our system that you think is hard to use, please let us know on that site.

"The difference between zero and even a little bit of data is astounding." - Jakob Nielsen "eminent Web usability guru" (CNN)

Beyond a coat of paint and making features easier, we also will be bringing a responsive design to our admin system. "Responsive design" is the next step in design after "adaptive design" the key difference is that a responsive design is usable on all devices, not just two. We know you are always on the run, and whether you're using your laptop, an iPad, a 24" monitor or your Android S4 to update your site, we want to make sure our admin system fits your device well.

You can help us out by signing up to our interface feedback newsletter.  We will periodically email the people on this newsletter with requests for feedback. We'll typically show you one or more screenshots of a new interface and ask you to either click where you think a feature should go, answer a multiple choice question, choose which screenshot you think looks better or simply ask for your impression of the screenshot.

We'd really love to have you a part of this process so we can can get your ideas in early.  Hope you will join us!