Customizing events in the PrestoSports Network

September 12, 2013   by Serge Knystautas

The PrestoSports Network has been at the heart of our websites and statistics and, with nearly 100,000 events and box scores each year, has grown to be one of the largest databases of college sports information in the world. It is unique in that it's not just a central repository everyone has to report to. Instead, it's a shared platform that allows everyone to get the most current and accurate information without having to spend time every night emailing around attachments and copying and pasting.

That being said, we've heard feedback that there is certain event information that everyone likes to display on their website in their own way. With that in mind, later this month we plan to roll out a new feature that will allow each site to customize how events in the PrestoSports Network appear on the websites we host.

This builds on the current feature of customizing team names, but instead of being a site-wide RPI customization, it allows a site to customize the fields on each individual event. This can be used to include a team's rank to an event or otherwise adjust how that event appears.

But it also allows you to customize just about anything about the event. You can change the notes to show only what you want on your site, and rather than deal with the shared and site-specific notes field, you can customize with your own notes for your site.

You can also work with vacated or other unique situations by overriding the score and flags.  For example, when a DI and DIII school play, if one wants it as an exhibition and the other wants it as a regular game, each school will be able to customize it as such. 

The release that goes live next week has all of the underlying changes to make this work including a new report to show you what existing team name customizations you have. We will be undergo final testing at that point and plan to allow you to customize the events on your site and make this public by the end of September or first week in October.

Our next improvement for later in the fall is to let you hide certain events from your site. We think this will be most useful for schools who add tournaments or NCAA playoffs that the conference does not want on their site.

We'd love to hear any thoughts you might have about this change and how else we can improve working with the PrestoSports Network.

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