Marking postseason events on your schedule is getting easier

August 20, 2013   by Josh Wiley

Regular season play is great, but the postseason is what it's all about. In the past, specifying postseason events on your schedules could be a bit tricky. Most teams need them to count towards their overall record, but still want an easy way to denote that these are postseason events. If you wanted to differentiate the events, it had to be manually typed in the notes to show on the schedule.

On the other hand, some leagues and conferences require that postseason events do not count towards a team's overall record. This required us to create entirely separate postseason seasons for these cases in order for standings to remain in tact, which meant extra work on both sides.


We currently have the “Exhibition/No contest” flag in the event editor. Checking this box allows the event to show up on your schedule while not counting towards your team's overall record for the season.



With our next release, we will be revamping the way exhibition and postseason events are managed on team schedules. The “Exhibition/No contest” flag will be replaced with two flags: “Postseason” and “No contest (exhibition, postseason for some)”.



The "Postseason" flag will allow you to denote events as postseason on your schedule. You will be able to use a special character for these events in the same way many sites use "*" for conference events or "#" for exhibition. Marking the postseason flag alone will not change how the game is counted on your overall record, since most teams want to count postseason events as part of their overall record.


The "No contest (exhibition, postseason for some)" flag will function solely to make the event not count towards the overall record. If your school is in a league with rules stating that postseason events do not count as part of the team's overall record for the season, you will need to check both of these boxes. This eliminates the need for us to create separate postseason schedules for teams that don't count their postseason events the same way.


Let's recap how checking each box will affect your schedule:


  1. No contest (exhibition, postseason for some)  the event will not count towards your team's overall record.

  2. Postseason  the event will be denoted as a postseason event with a special character on your schedule.

  3. Both  checking both of these boxes at the same time will denote your event as postseason AND cause it to not count towards your team's overall record.


Please let us know what you think of the new setup and if you have other ideas that could make this process even better!