Measuring your toolbar's fan engagement

April 17, 2013   by Daria Bakaushina

We all know that companies will do anything to get people to buy something  or even just drive traffic to their site. When social media came into play, things became easier, or so we thought. In reality, there is a lot to think about when posting on Facebook and Twitter.

Just days ago, I was appointed as the new PrestoSports Facebook lead, and now I have to think about things like content, timing and wording, all while trying to break through the clutter of fans' newsfeeds. If you slip up in one of those areas, some of your fans may never even see your post!

After analyzing the data from the past month, we found that our toolbar brings just as many people to your athletic website as your Facebook page. The browser-based toolbar eliminates the middle man (social media) and places the best of your site at the top of your fans' browsers. So every time they go to search the Web, they are constantly reminded of your site. More importantly, the toolbar is easy to navigate for the older generations who don't even know what Facebook and Twitter are.

How does the toolbar work?

The toolbar is available for Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome. It is downloaded within seconds and no personal information is required.

Once your chosen browser is refreshed, you will see a well-constructed strip of icons at the top of your page. These icons are linked directly to the information that your fans want to see. The easy access to pages gives you the opportunity to increase your community engagement and make sure that your fans always return to your site for the latest news.

Top 5 Toolbars  

With the exception of social media and the search box, every icon on the toolbar is connected to a page on your site. Each click results in redirecting your fans directly to your site and instantly increasing the traffic flow to your site.  

Here are the top 5 toolbars based on the number of clicks in the last month:

  1. Mount Union – 505
  2. Ohio Dominican – 440
  3. Babson – 408
  4. Central Connecticut – 365
  5. Castleton – 325

Great Success!

Ohio Dominican has seen the highest success rate with its toolbar, leading the way in overall downloads, active users and clicks. Once the Ohio Dominican fans realized the value of the toolbar, they end up being long-term users and long-term followers.

Before the launch of the toolbar, Scott Miles of Ohio Dominican expressed his excitement for this feature: "Looked like a cool feature so I wanted to get on board quickly!" And it's a good thing he did.

Do you want to see what the toolbar can do for your site? Don't waste another second and sign up by filling out the toolbar enrollment form.