Lacrosse stats entry webinars available

January 28, 2013   by Neil Sleight

Even though most of the country is dealing with sub-freezing temperatures and snow- covered athletic fields, lacrosse season is right around the corner. I know the thought of leaving your nice heated basketball gym for the frozen tundra of the lacrosse press box probably makes some of you cringe. 

While we can't do anything to change the temperature, we can make your lacrosse stats entry experience a little more user-friendly. The live scoring mode of PrestoSports Stats Entry for lacrosse was released last March. Our stats team has spent the last ten months working with our early adopters to fine tune the app for this season.

This week we will be hosting webinars for anyone who wants to learn more about the live scoring mode of lacrosse stats entry. These webinars will be on Thursday, Jan. 31 at 2:00 pm (EST) and Friday, Feb. 1 at 2:00 pm (EST). In the coming weeks we will add a second set of webinars for score sheet mode of lacrosse stats entry. Go here for the full webinar schedule and to sign up. Once signed up, we will email you instructions on how to access the webinar.  

Until then, keep warm and consider picking up a pair of these stats-entry-friendly gloves.  We will send a pair off to one lucky random webinar attendee to keep his or her fingers warm while statting away on a tablet.

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