Unwrapping custom toolbars

December 19, 2012   by Daria Bakaushina

I've spent the past several months developing new software that will help your fans stay up to date with your teams and keep them coming back to your website again and again.

What is a browser-based toolbar?

A browser-based toolbar is software that fans can install into their browser. It takes them only a few seconds to install your toolbar, and no personal information is required.

Once they've installed your toolbar, every time they're surfing the web, they'll see the best of your athletic department. Branded with your colors and logo, a toolbar provides your fans with real-time access to their favorite teams. Your custom toolbar is free to your fans and works in Chrome, Firefox, and IE on Windows, and Firefox on Mac OS.

Here is what a sample toolbar looks like and we'll highlight what comes with it:

Reach more fans with no extra money or work

This is a great way to engage your fans and drive traffic back to your website. The toolbar will help increase your web presence by putting your brand in front of your fans in a way you never could before.

You get all of this without any extra work for your sports information staff as we've integrated the toolbar with your PrestoSports-powered website. Once the toolbar is launched, it will automatically update whenever you update your website.

Best of all, it's free for our website customers.

Sign up today!

We've been working with a couple of pilot schools to help us work out the kinks with this brand new feature. So now we are inviting anyone that is interested in providing great feedback to fill out the enrollment form.

Before your toolbar can launch, we require that a link to the Download page be placed in your main navigation. Also, we will provide you with a marketing kit to help you announce this great feature to your students, parents and fans.

Don't wait too long! Sign up today to launch at the start of the new year!