Want to use our basketball stats entry this year? Help us test it!

September 18, 2012   by Mike Fratto

Midnight Madness is a month away, which means college hoops is right around the corner!

We started testing last season and have continued it throughout the summer. Now it's time for one final push so it's ready for this year. We've got 93 testers already but we're always looking for more. It's not too late to sign up.  

How can this benefit you?

PrestoSports Stats Entry is easy for both new users and hardened Stat Crew veterans alike. It runs in your browser, so there's no need to keep that ancient stat computer around any more. It supports both point and click and keystrokes, so you can enter stats as you feel comfortable. It creates a packed file that is 100% compatible with Stat Crew Legacy, so you can share your stats with anyone. And it is, of course, free. 

If you or your opponent uses another website provider, you can easily download or email the packed file right from the event page in Game day.  

Best of all, you'll get a free t-shirt for being a tester! Email me if you're interested.