The greatest geek deserves a museum

August 16, 2012   by Serge Knystautas

Nikola Tesla was the father of the electric age. Despite his numerous contributions to our world, most people think the light bulb and electricity came from Thomas Edison and Ben Franklin. Nope! If you don't know who Tesla is, go read this.

Growing up studying physics, I only knew Tesla as a unit of measurement for magnetic flux.  Surely everyone who saw Back the Future did the calculation to see how many Teslas are in the Flux Capacitor after 1.21 gigawatts, right?

When I finally read his story a few years back, I instantly connected with Nikola Tesla. While he didn't seek or get the fame and fortune he deserved, he had made so many contributions to our modern society that he became a hero of mine. That's why I got so excited when I saw that someone is trying to build a museum for Tesla.

His original laboratory and property from 100 years ago recently went up for sale for $1.7 million. The State of New York is fundraising up to $850,000 to buy this land, so there's a movement now to raise another $850,000 to buy this property.  This won't get the museum built, but it will put the property into the hands of a non-profit that will get it one step closer.

I've given personally and will be donating on behalf of PrestoSports. I ask that if you are moved by what Tesla did for us that you donate to the cause.

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