Forward...with football stats entry testing

August 14, 2012   by Mike Fratto

On the brink of the fall season, it's time to test what we have for football.

We received such a positive response the last time we asked for more testers that we're doing it again. We're about to open up the beta testing period for football live scoring and we have 54 testers signed on. We'd like to see that number grow, since, as you know, football stats entry is complicated!

We know it's a reach to ask you to test on game day, so you can get creative with your testing. Rewatch the game film, type in the play-by-play, even stat the scout/team periods in practice if you want. 

How can this benefit you?

PrestoSports Stats Entry updates the stats on websites in our Network in real time. That means if you have a website with us and you use our stats entry app, your site will be updated in real time as you stat the game. If your conference's website is with us, or if you contribute to a media site like, or if your opponent's website is with us, the stats on those sites will update in real time as well. There's no need for any extra work after the game. 

If you or your opponent uses another website provider, you can easily download or email the packed file right from the event page in Game day.  

Best of all, you'll get a free t-shirt for being a tester! Email me if you're interested.

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