One in six of your fans have gone mobile

February 14, 2012   by Robb Modica

Did you know that one in six fans visiting your athletics website do so from a smartphone? That's nearly double the rate that people worldwide browse the mobile web!

Projections are that mobile web browsing will be half of all web traffic by the middle of this decade, and that means your website will likely reach that number much sooner.

How did they get there?

We made two big technical decisions when we created MobileNow:

  • URLs to content on mobile and website would be the same
  • All content on the website could be reached on a mobile device

For various reasons, many publishers have not done these, and you've probably experienced problems as a result.  Ever click a link on Facebook on your laptop that took you to some mobile-version of an article instead of the full site?  Ever use your smartphone to Google for a staff member at an opponent, only to click their bio page and be taken back to the mobile home page with scores?

Fundamentally, we believe that mobile fans should be treated as equals to your laptop fans, not as second-class citizens.

Keep them coming back!

We want to help you keep your mobile fans coming back to your site, so we've added a cool new feature that prompts them to bookmark your site on their phone.

iPhone users are now prompted with instructions on how to add your logo to their phone for quick access. Droid users can also bookmark the site so your icon appears on the home screen.

And keep them staring at their phones

MobileNow gets a big boost because it's powered by the PrestoSports Network, which is the largest source of real-time scores and statistics in college athletics.

Your fans are now able to follow when you are at home or on the road thanks to in-progress scores through the Network. Live stats are available right from your scoreboard, and after the game, fans can view the stats right from your recap.

We're the only vendor in college athletics who will link between the statistics and the recap. We're going to continue to find new ways to keep your fans glued to their smartphone.

What's coming next?

Spring sports will have in-game stats as well as more ways for your fans to engage using social media tools. We are also increasing access to media including mobile video, links to your live video feeds and photo galleries.

All of these changes will help your fans feel closer to your teams without being tied to their laptop. We're excited to be leading this new frontier and would love to hear any of your ideas!

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