Our plan to become compatible with more stats programs

December 15, 2011   by Serge Knystautas

We've already come a long way towards our goal of making the PrestoSports statistics platform 100% compatible with Stat Crew. As far as we know, we're the only vendor who has been able to read and write the Stat Crew packed file format, and we've been working with the Stat Crew XML for years like others are starting to do.

That makes all of our college customers happy, but we're not going to limit our free stats entry platform like that. So, now we want to work to make our statistics platform compatible with the XML reports from many other statistics software including DakStats, LeagueStat, and Cybersports.

Because of our relationship with the CIS and other Canadian and junior colleges, we have begun to get some XML reports, but we really want to get as many XML as possible.  If you own any of these software packages and have used it for a season, we would love it if you could send them to us. Here's how:

  1. Export all XML files from the stats program
  2. Export HTML reports from the stats program
  3. Create a Zip folder that contains those files and email us at support@prestosports.com


We'll be using this to make sure that our free stats entry platform works no matter what statistics software package you're using.