Automatically fixing errors for the NCAA

December 13, 2011   by Serge Knystautas

We are very happy to see that over 300 box scores have been successfully sent to the NCAA so far this year, but we're still noticing a lot of box scores that aren't accepted.

One downside of an automatic integration is that we don't prompt users to fix errors in the box score before they submit it to the NCAA.  Sometimes we'll see that two players have the number "TM," which means team statistics. And instances where the conference is uploading the report can be problematic because the conference edition of Stat Crew deletes the play-by-play in the XML, so therefore the NCAA won't accept it.

But the top reason that the NCAA doesn't accept an XML is that the RPI of one or both teams is not set in the game report.  Fortunately, the RPI is something that the PrestoSports Network already knows.

This week, the PrestoSports Network will automatically begin setting the RPI for you when send an XML to the NCAA. With over half of the box score rejections because of missing RPI data, this should significantly improve how often the NCAA accepts your stats.

We're continuing to work with Jim Wright and the NCAA stats group to make more improvements so your game reports get to them successfully. Later this month, we'll implement a report that shows you which events' stats have been accepted by NCAA.  This will make it easy for you to spot any errors in your stats and make sure the box score can get corrected and accepted by the NCAA.

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