Happy Thanksgiving!

November 22, 2011   by Serge Knystautas

Thank you for your hard work!

Our customers' success is the whole reason we do this, so here's a big Thank You! to all our customers for choosing us and putting in the long hours to make your fans happy.  We love what we do, but without customers like you, this would just be a hobby.

We hope everyone in the U.S. has a Happy Thanksgiving, and a belated Happy Thanksgiving to our neighbors to the North.

Adam Sandler's Turkey Song

To put you in a cheerful mood, we wanted to share something that we're thankful for... a time back when Adam Sandler was still funny:

There was a problem with a Velocity script
ErrorInvocation of method 'includeVideo' in class com.prestosports.render.ContentEngineInvoker threw exception javax.servlet.ServletException: java.net.URISyntaxException: Illegal character in query at index 191: http://widget.nbc.com/videos/nbcshort_at.swf?CXNID=1000004.10045NXC&widID=4727a250e66f9723&clipID=1179146&showID=61&siteurl=http://www.nbc.com?vty=fromWidget_Video&dst=nbc|widget|NBC%20Video&__source=nbc|widget|NBC%20Video&responsive=false&embedded=true&width=512&height=354 at 2xwucvpauuqyyp89/2011/11/20111122-thanks[line 15, column 13]
Page source:
1: <h3><img style="float: right;" src=
2: "/2011/11/dog_thanks.jpg?max_height=224&max_width=300" alt=""
3: width="300" height="224">
4:  Thank you for your hard work!</h3>
5: <p>Our customers' success is the whole reason we do this, so here's
6: a big Thank You! to all our customers for choosing us and putting
7: in the long hours to make your fans happy.&nbsp; We love what we
8: do, but without customers like you, this would just be a hobby.</p>
9: <p>We hope everyone in the U.S. has a Happy Thanksgiving, and a
10: belated Happy Thanksgiving to our neighbors to the North.</p>
11: <h3>Adam Sandler's Turkey Song</h3>
12: <p>To put you in a cheerful mood, we wanted to share something that
13: we're thankful for... a time back when Adam Sandler was still
14: funny:</p>
15: <p>$website.includeVideo('http://widget.nbc.com/videos/nbcshort_at.swf?CXNID=1000004.10045NXC&amp;widID=4727a250e66f9723&amp;clipID=1179146&amp;showID=61&amp;siteurl=http://www.nbc.com?vty=fromWidget_Video&amp;dst=nbc|widget|NBC%20Video&amp;__source=nbc|widget|NBC%20Video&responsive=false&embedded=true&width=512&height=354')</p>

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