For the 2011-12 men's and women's basketball seasons, you can now set up your teams to submit stats automatically to the NCAA! You're already uploading your stats to your website, so we thought this would be a natural next step.
In its ongoing effort to compile the most up-to-date and timely stats for all sports, the NCAA statistics staff is working toward a plan to provide daily rankings of the national stats rather than the weekly updates currently in place, using both single-game reporting from the schools and conference reports. Eventually, it hopes to implement this concept for all sports at all levels.
As a former member of the NCAA Statistics Advisory committee, I know this decision did not come about lightly or without great debate. Everyone understands the post-game demands on your time, and with one more new task in tow, submitting a file to the NCAA website can sometimes become a low priority or get forgotten until the next day.
With this in mind, a few of us at PrestoSports traveled to the NCAA offices in Indianapolis over the summer to meet with several NCAA staffers in hopes that we could help. We explained how the PrestoSports Network housed 9323 basketball box scores in the men's and women's 2010-11 seasons as our users uploaded them for reasons like box score links, season stats and live stats. So, wouldn't it be cool if we could integrate with the NCAA and share those files so that SIDs could upload one file and accomplish several postgame duties at once?
Well, after several conversations and testing sessions, we made it happen.
To get started, in Game day you need to set up the NCAA as a stats partner for your men's and women's basketball seasons, which includes providing your NCAA password.
When you are configured with NCAA as a stats partner, uploading
your XML box score for each event will automatically submit it to
the NCAA for stats reporting. For more instructions on uploading
box scores, visit the "Live Stats" or "Game Day" dropdowns of the
Help Center.
In addition, we're almost done with basketball packed file compatibility, which means you'll be able to upload a basketball packed file to the PrestoSports Network, and the NCAA will automatically get a copy of your XML.