Stats tab now features downloadable reports

September 27, 2011   by Serge Knystautas

With the release of Version 4.4.8 last week, we've updated the Stats tab in Game day to include easy access to all the reports you can download.

The existing list of events with stats information is now in a "Game log" view, and what you'll see first now in the Stats tab is a list of available reports. From here you can do things like download Zip files of all your XML or packed files for the season, as well as get the season XML. Now it's as easy to get your stats out of our system as it is to bring them in!

The main goal of this change is to make it easier for you to find everything and to eventually allow you to download reports for non-PrestoSports website customers.

Depending on what you have uploaded into the system, the "Reports" submenu will show you a new screen where you have the option to download a roster file, a season XML summary, a Zip of XML box scores or a Zip of packed files.

Of course, these files are only available to download if you've already brought your roster and your stats into the system.

Conference administrators who have access to multiple teams have more options. You can still choose to view the stats for a single team, just like the Game log has worked in the past.

But if you pick "All teams" instead, the Reports submenu will behave slightly different. There won't be an option to download a roster file, but the season XML summary will contain data for all the teams you have access to, just like the one that used to be available from the Game log page (we have since removed the link from this page).

Also, the two ZIP downloads will be the same functionality as for a single team, but will create a ZIP with the data for ALL of the events for all of your teams.

Going forward, we plan to add more reports to this screen to make it easy for you to see what is going on with your stats. We also plan on adding an "Email" button down the road, for easy sharing with non-PrestoSports users.