PrestoSports Stats Entry now in beta

September 15, 2011   by Mike Fratto

We hit another milestone in the development of PrestoSports Stats Entry this week. We finally got a beta version to testers.

We've already started receiving great feedback that is going to be key to further enhancing our stats platform. It is important to us that during the testing period we not only to identify and fix the bugs, but to tailor the app to the user's workflow needs. Our goal is to get feedback from real-world environments and from users who are using our application for the first time.

We're going to take as much time as we need during the beta period to ensure that, once released, PrestoSports Stats Entry exceeds expectations.

While the soccer program is in testing, we've started development on field hockey and ice hockey. Those are the next two sports in the pipeline following soccer.

If you are interested in more information, check out the stats section of our website.