Get specific with your traffic

September 13, 2011   by Mike Donlin

Now that the fall seasons are in full swing, keep an eye on the activity surrounding your content. Earlier this year, we made it easier for you to get a snapshot of what’s going on. Browse any page to get details about what is happening with page views, newsletter shares and Facebook activity.

What stories are popular?

For instance, many PrestoSports sites feature a top news area. Often this is a rotating area with a number of stories – each featuring a large photo, a headline and leadin to the full story. To see which stories are getting the most action, just browse that headlines file or click on it from the admin system and view the Marketing tab.

Gallaudet news

Note the graph at the top of the page gives a quick overview of your data. For exact numbers of page views and where the URL ranks for the month, look below the graph where each is listed. As shown on the screenshot, page views is the number of times someone asked for this URL in that month.

What else can I find out about that story?

Click the link associated with the page from your headlines or browse that page to see even more. The Marketing tab data associated with each file shows page views for each month and its rank. If you’ve sent an email campaign using that page, there’s a quick link to get the data on how many received the message and how many opened it. From there you can drill even deeper to see who read it. At the bottom of the page, Facebook interactions are captured to provide a social media snapshot.

Use this data to see that your message is landing. Keep an eye on popular stories, big events, fan-favorites and more.

For example, when Virginia Commonwealth made its run to the NCAA Men's Basketball Final Four, it made head coach Shaka Smart into a household name. The Marketing tab provides plenty of insight on how many fans viewed his bio page. Prior to the run, plenty of fans checked out the page, with action peaking at 1,051 views in November ... but it really exploded for March Madness. Some 63,618 page views were logged in the month of March. On Facebook, 55 liked the page, 67 shared it  and 99 commented on a Facebook post about the page for a total of 221 interactions.

Check out the Marketing tab for Smart's bio on VCU's website below:

Shaka Smart page