Integrating with the NCAA

August 23, 2011   by Serge Knystautas

I'm pleased to announce that soon the PrestoSports Network will send stats to the NCAA.

In early August, Ted, AnnMarie and I flew to Indianapolis to meet with the NCAA's stats, broadcast and IT staff to talk about how we might work together.  It was a productive meeting as we discussed many challenges that the NCAA and its members face, from schedule sharing, changes in the stats entry market, half-statted volleyball box scores, record books and post-game workflow.

Our goal is to have the PrestoSports Network automatically send box scores to the NCAA.  We hope that this will be ready for the start of the winter sports season, but we are still in the planning phase of this integration project.

This sharing will be available for every user in the PrestoSports Network, whether they are using our stats entry platform or not.  In the 2010-2011 NCAA season, we had over 87,000 events and 32,000 box scores from over 8,000 teams, which will go a long way towards helping the NCAA keep current and complete statistics.

We have other ideas on the drawing board including providing schedules to the NCAA, tracking record books both at the national and institution level, merging volleyball statistics and providing statistics to other sports like water polo and tennis.

We are dedicated to becoming the most reliable and complete statistics provider, and integrating with the NCAA just brings us one step closer.