Our alternative to Stat Crew

June 28, 2011   by Serge Knystautas

I think everyone realized years ago that DOS was not the future of statistics.  What was a simply fantastic product for its day, Stat Crew had not kept up with the revolutions that were happening in the Internet and with hardware.

So in early 2009, we decided we would begin building statistics into our websites.  The website is the central place for all team information and we wanted statistics to be part of that.  We built dozens of reports, hooked them up to our live stats for real time statistics reports, provided a large network of roster sharing, gave conferences a way to submit reports to the NCAA, and many other improvements.

By August 2010, while we had built this amazing statistics network that was tied into hundreds of web sites, we realized that we were still a long way from fundamentally changing the statistics workflow.  Stats were still very much trapped on a single laptop for an entire season, and most information was still shared by doing export-email-import.... again, again, and again.  We believed that we needed to provide an alternative to Stat Crew to fully realize the potential of the statistics in the Internet age.

I'm pleased to announce that we are providing stat entry software for soccer, field hockey, ice hockey and men's and women's lacrosse for the upcoming 2011-12 year.  In 2012 we will also provide stat entry software for football, basketball, baseball, and volleyball.

Our stat entry software will always be free for all of our customers. For 2011-12 and 2012-13 as we release this software for all sports, we are offering it free for anyone who wants to give our stat entry software a try.

We are excited about the upcoming year and look forward to shaping the future of statistics.  I don't think you should have to worry about what happens if your laptop crashes in-season, and if you want to stat a weekend tournament on an iPad, that should be an option too.  And your stat partners, whether its the media, your opponents, your conference, the NCAA, or whoever, they should be able to get the stats when they need them rather than waiting for your email.  Finally, fans should be able to get to the same rich level of statistics that used to be only available to the media.

We will release our soccer stat entry software later this summer after working with select customers to help us test over the coming weeks.  We do hope you'll give us a try in the coming year, and stay tuned for more updates!

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