Live stats is easy when you stat on the web

May 10, 2011   by Serge Knystautas

One of the major goals of our stat entry platform is to lighten your workload as much as possible.

When you use stat entry as part of your website, it powers live stats without any extra work. Instead of stats being software on your computer that needs other special software to get pushed out to the Internet, you're using software that was built to be on the Internet.

Your ability to share stats will be better than ever. Most customers had outgrown TasFTP and were trying to deal with DualFTP, but that didn't work. You'd want to update your live stats, your conference live stats, your opponent's live stats, ESPN's live stats, your streaming provider's live stats, and more if you could!  We've been dealing with this for years, which was why it was important to us to solve this with our stat entry platform.

Send live stats to 2, 3, 4, or more companies!

We're working with ESPN, SIDEARM and CBS to automatically save their FTP settings into our stat entry platform so you'll only have to enter in your own account information. In addition to those three major providers, you will also have the option to manually enter any other FTP servers.  As you enter stats, our system will automatically notify each company, just like services such as StatBroadcast that BCS pays.

If there are others that you want to push stats to, it'll be easy, and you'll be able to see whether you're successfully updating those companies.

TAS Live is built in, hold the headaches

We know that most people in Division II and III are running live stats with TAS Live. For those of you who have enjoyed doing this without paying for Stat Crew upgrades, our free stat entry will have the same HTML live stats service that you've been used to with TAS Live.

If you're a website customer, your website will update in real-time without the hassle of running TAS Live. But if you're not a website customer, you'll be able to point to the website customer that's getting you access to our stats entry system, whether it's your conference website,, or other media or league site.

PrimeTime for premium live stats

Our premium live stats will work seamlessly with our stat entry system. Best of all, your total cost to do premium live stats just got significantly cheaper because you don't have to pay $165 for the Stat Crew upgrades, making it available to many more customers who were stuck with older versions of Stat Crew.